Abdo Android برنامه ها

اذاعات موريتانيا 1.1
Abdo Android
Mauritania application of radio stations you can listen to the fmradio stations in Mauritania
رسالة ابن ابي زيد القيرواني 1.1
Abdo Android
The book of Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani’s book on Fiqh al-Maliki isstrewn
منظومات محمد مولود بن احمدفال 1.0
Abdo Android
Collection systems of the brand born Mohammed bin Ahmed Vall canlisten to it and loaded
اسهل المسالك 1.1
Abdo Android
An application that contains the easiest tract systems detailed bythe doors and it is one of the most famous books of Malikijurisprudence
متن ابن عاشر 1.2
Abdo Android
An application that has the tenth son of systems known injurisprudence Maliki tabular and have a clear
لـكزانــه 2.1
Abdo Android
For an entertaining Mauritanian Kzanh application based on the ideaof ​​Kzanh targeting Mauritanian women.
اعرف موعد زواجك 2.2
Abdo Android
I know the date of your marriage Entertainment App tells you whenyou will get married and you guess the date of your marriage
متن الأخضري -نظم- 1.2
Abdo Android
This app contains aboard Alakhaddra system in fiqh al-Maliki'sAl-Akhdari
كــزانــة الـرجـالـه 1.1
Abdo Android
Kzanh for his entertaining application Mauritanian depends on theidea of ​​a private men Kzanh.hzh version
تلاوات موريتانية 2.3
Abdo Android
Application enables you to listen to the Holy Qur'an followed by anumber of readers Mauritanians.
تلاوات مغربية (جميع قراء المغر 1.0
Abdo Android
An application that enables you to listen to the Holy Quran withthe voice of all Moroccan readers
شرح ابن عاشر- محمد سيدي يحي 2.5
Abdo Android
Phonetic explanation of Nazam Ibn Asheer by Sheikh MuhammadOuldSidi Yahya
تلاوات تونسية (جميع قراء تونس) 1.0
Abdo Android
The application enables you to listen to the Holy Quran withthevoices of a group of Tunisian readers
لامية الافعال 1.1
Abdo Android
The application contains a book for illiterate actions
مختصر خليل 1.1
Abdo Android
Khalil manual on Fiqh al-Maliki
شرح كتاب الأخضري - محمد سيدي ي 2.5
Abdo Android
An audio explanation of Sheikh Mohamed Ould Sidi Yahya, in whichheexplains the book, “Nadhm Al-Akhdari”
شرح المرشد المعين (ابن عاشر ) 2.6
Abdo Android
Audible explanation of the systems of the guide, who is appointedonthe essential, from the science of religion, to its owner,Abdal-Wahid ibn Asher